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The Empire Spiel - Fighting Games



Spiel Beschreibung: The Empire Spiel, Fighting Games


Erobere die Gegner in diesem aufregenden RTS Spiel
Viel Glück!

The objective of the game is to defeat the enemy army by employing troops and using tactical maneuvers. Make sure you have a balanced army better eqipped at dealing with the enemy units.
A strategy would be to put archers in hilltops so they can have a height advantage. Try to flank your opponents with cavalry.
Good Luck!

Spiel Anleitung/Bedienung:


Screen Scroll Up, Down, Left, Right arrow keys OR WASD keys
Create Unit Click on the unit icon
Select Units Drag across the screen
Deselect Units Space Bar Or Double Click


Shooting Spiele

Fighting Spiele

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 weitere Spiele Kategorien: Car Racing :: Arcade Game :: Multiplayer Games :: Sport Spiele :: RPG Games ::

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